Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday!

Well, as you may know by now Ryan just turned 1! It's amazing that it's already been a year. She's come a long way from her low weight of 2.3 lbs. She's now 20 pounds and healthy as can be! I decided to update her blog with a bunch of pictures and a few videos in honor of the occasion and since I've been quite the slacker in getting it updated. I think there are 8 posts total so you may have to go to the next page or use the Blog Archive links over there on the right in order to see all of them.

Here are a couple of videos of her birthday cupcake. Please forgive the awful singing or mute your computer for the beginning of the first one. :) I split it into 2 parts so that it wouldn't get rejected.

11 Month Video...

Learning to crawl and not necessarily happy about it. :)

10 Month Pic...

9 Month Pics...

Happy 4th of July!

8 Month Pic...

The girls at the Atlanta Temple

7 Month Pics...

6 Month Pic...

5 Month Pics...

Baby Barf Pancake :)

Ryan's Nanna whipped up this little goodie. I'll let you guess which Nanna.