Sunday, September 21, 2008

RJ's Blog

The particulars: 9/21/08 2:04 pm 2.9 lbs/14 1/2 in

Well, I figured that since our world has just taken a wildly unexpected turn into preemie baby land that I would branch off from our other blog and post all of the updates about Ryan on her own site . We know that everyone is eager to see her and hear how she is doing and it gets really hard to keep up with who knows what so this will be a great place to post videos, pictures and updates on her progress. If you have a question , go ahead and post it in the comments and we'll do our best to fill in the blanks for you.

We wanted to say thank you to everyone for all of their thoughts and prayers. We're really blessed to have great friends and a great ward family backing us up. There's no way we would be able to get through this without you. We appreciate it more than you will ever know.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I have tears coming down my face! I remember those days! She will be just fine! She is so beautiful!! WOW! You guys make cute babies!!

Heather you just get better! We miss you so much! Your family is in our prayers!!!

BTW - Brooke is laughing and smiling with her BFF!! No worries here!! I'm so happy to take her!!

We Love You Guys!!
